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*** Choosing a Password ***
Whenever you’re asked to enter a password, select a password someone cannot easily guess. A password is your private key to your account. NEVER tell anyone what your password is. It also good to change your password from time to time. Your Password is NOT your Username or account number! Your Password is a secret string of characters that only you should know.
** Password Examples **
Choose an alphanumeric string (a-z, 0-9) between 6 and 12 characters in length. Change your password often. Use a combination of alpha and numeric characters. Think of something very original, but easy to remember. Some example passwords might be:
b4uslipgrab before you slip grab
i8mycake i ate my cake
iuse2begood i used to be good
b4ugo before you go
seventy6ers sevetny-sixers
eighty8 eighty-eight
thirty30 thirty-thirty
b9humor benine humor
imalway7 i’m always even
— You get the idea.
Here is one example of why it is important to keep your passwords private.
Recently a user on one of the main online services posted several messages containing obscene language, and insulting comments aimed at the service’s management and its users. An investigation found that it was not the individual who owned the account who had done this, but someone had found out this persons password, logged on as that person, and created these embarrassing problems.
Other reasons are that just like if they steal a cell phone, a person could log on as you and stay logged on for long periods of time and create unusual expenses on your account.
Be careful about your passwords.
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